Check Hash

Check Hash is a GUI wrapper of GNU Coreutils sha1sum
Created by Filipe Marques

About Check Hash

Designed with the K.I.S.S. principle in mind, Check Hash is a G.U.I. wrapper for GNU Coreutils sha1sum.
Check Hash is currently at version 1.5.1 and is an free & open source software project at github licensed under GNU GPL v.3 !

I'm happy to annouce that you can install Check Hash from the package manager pacman in Manjaro Linux !

I will add more features soon, but I count on you to give suggestions, so if you want contact me or follow me at github, or fork the project and send me pull requests.
If you fork the project you should implement your ideas in the "dev branch" and then your pull requests will be merged in "dev branch"!

You belong to a GNU/Linux distribution community ?
If yes you can package this program to be ready to install to that GNU/Linux distribution.
I'll be happy !!!

I also accept donations to support futher development.

Download Check Hash

It's recommended that you install Check Hash program from your GNU/Linux package manager, like in Manjaro Linux, however, if you are a maintainer you can do it at:

Download it from GitHub

Contact me

Feel free to contact me to provide some feedback about this program, give suggestions for new improvements, integrate this program in Linux distributions, or to just say hello!

My Portfolio Website